
Collaborative: We work together to help you unleash your own natural healing power and give you tools to enhance and maintain well-being on all levels going forward.

Core Level: I don’t deal merely with symptoms on the surface but the underlying imbalance or blockage, the root cause of your dis-ease.

Comprehensive: I blend a variety of ancient and contemporary modalities-- such as intuitive life coaching, shamanic energy medicine, and spiritual counseling—to help you heal on all levels: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.

Practical: Most of us don’t live in an ashram. We need to ‘chop wood and carry water,’ make a living, attend to family. My goal is to help you become more present and fulfilled in your daily life.

Intuitive: Because my intuition is so strong, we are able to get to the core level of your issues and deal with them without months of digging.

Core Level: I don’t deal merely with symptoms on the surface but the underlying imbalance or blockage, the root cause of your dis-ease.

Energy Healing

Energy healing has ancient roots and thousands of years of application in indigenous cultures all over the world. Western science dismissed these practices until fairly recently when neuroscientists and quantum physicists were finally able to observe these energies and their workings.

Each of us has an energetic frequency that is our own personal “energy signature.” You can learn how to raise your energetic frequency to bring health and balance to every area of your life.

Along with my work to help you release energetic blocks caused by trauma, emotional wounds, or physical dis-ease, I’ll give you tools to help you maintain a higher level of energy and vibration at work and home.

Shamanic Energy Medicine

Shamanism is an indigenous wisdom and ancient healing tradition that connects us with nature and all of creation. The term “shamanism” has been popularized recently, especially in new-age circles. So it’s hard to distinguish between traditional shamanism and modernized practices that use the term.

Conventional therapy works on a more literal level, working with symptoms as they appear. Shamanism works on the mythic/symbolic level of the soul, assuming that dis-ease is simply a message from the soul.

Though I would never call myself a shaman, I have studied many shamanic paths and use a traditional shamanistic approach in my work. In my experience as a healer, many emotional, physical and mental problems are best adressed at the soul level.


I worked with Suzan over the phone long before I met her in person. In either setting, her amazing insight, compassion and integrity shine bright and clear; it is immediately evident that she is a true healer.
— Helen J, Philanthropist, Wisconsin