Suzan Pelfrey’s work has catalyzed deep healing for me and she was able to see my potential and predict the trajectory my work would take long before I had the confidence to see myself doing the things she described.  Now, thanks to her help, I am expressing myself in ways that certainly feel like my true dharma.  Working with Suzan has been so beneficial that I have hired her to help me to build a new business and in this capacity her intuitive skills have proved themselves over and over again.  I highly recommend Suzan’s transformative work. 

Beth McDougall, MD

THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING WORK!  You have been a huge key to the success of our retreats year after year. Your work is truly life-changing and people talk about it as a highlight of the program for many years after.   Their experience with you is a cornerstone to their transformation, and there’s nothing that can replace the experience you offer.  I’m so grateful for your miraculous work and for your committed, compassionate heart.

Marci Shimoff
#1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No reason, Love for No Reason, and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul.


Working with Suzan Pelfrey has been a gift beyond measure! Suzan has helped, advised and guided my family for 12 years.  When I first started working with her my relationship was in turmoil. Busy lives with our children and careers had taken a toll.  Suzan’s philosophy “to leave no stone unturned” proved to be a true statement. She was willing to listen, guide and give amazing advice.  Suzan is gifted in empowering me to make my own decisions and be sure to examine all angles.

Her intuitive nature and positive use of language has been influential in dealing with work related issues as well as family matters.  Over the years, Suzan has taught me how to use language and to draw people in rather than alienating. I consult Suzan whenever I have a challenging situation in work or in my personal life.  She helps to “chunk it down” and make a big situation much more manageable. These overwhelming events are resolved more easily with the least amount of conflict due to Suzan’s brilliant guidance.   I wholeheartedly recommend Suzan Pelfrey and know you will too.

Beth L.
Business Owner/ California

“Suzan Pelfrey is a gifted and compassionate healer. Not only was she able to resolve a childhood issue with me but, she likely cured me of a pituitary tumor and clogged arteries at a very distressing time of my life. I am very grateful to her.”

Lavanya Michel –Artist / Philanthropist - California


There is no limit to the skillset that Suzan possesses. I have witnessed her conflict resolution skills and experience in action. I have witnessed her work as a medicine woman with others and one on one.  Her training with indigenous healers is an energetic presence that always surrounds her.

Suzan has been my guide for several initiations where I needed tremendous support.  Suzan provided this support in a way that held me accountable for my own actions. She is a perfect mirror to help overcome the fear that seems to arise with shadow work.  I feel beyond privileged to know Suzan and the opportunity be a part of her practice and one of the most special tools I have for my own personal self-growth.

I strive to embody a deeper and deeper expression of the Divine that I AM and that is within each and every person.  Suzan Pelfrey has been intricate in this process for me. Working with Suzan is one of the greatest privileges I have had in this life.  Anyone who is seriously walking the path and looking toward self-evolution must work with this medicine woman…she is like none other.

David Singer – Business owner – Oklahoma

"Suzan Pelfrey is one of the most gifted and effective healers I've ever worked with.  She listens with her heart, is in full command of a wide range of skills and techniques, and goes above and beyond to make sure the client leaves each session feeling more grounded, more capable and more connected than they were when they began.  She is definitely not your grandfather's therapist, but then again your grandfather probably didn't go to one.  Either way I can't recommend her highly enough.  Prepare to go on a journey and prepare to be happy that you did."

Jeff Arch – Author/Screenwriter “Sleepless in Seattle” – Maine


“My wife and I decided to address some longstanding issues in our marriage.  In our couples sessions, Suzan is helping us -- efficiently yet tenderly -- cut through the crap and focus in on the issues that really matter.  Through her combined talents as counselor and shamanic energy practitioner, she creates a space where we feel safe speaking to each other with our true hearts and spirits.  The result is that a lot of our “problems” now seem more like opportunities to deepen our love and further our spiritual journey together.”

Robert T. – Writer - Illinois

“I have known Suzan Pelfrey for many years as a client, student and colleague. Suzan has the ability to hold you in loving light while she supports your being moving forward into healing and creative living.  She is dedicated to true living and following the dream.  Her wisdom, love and spot on awareness have allowed me to travel to places within myself that I could not have on my own.  I thank her for that over and over again.  I will also add that Suzan has the ability to be authentic, direct, loving and full of humor all at the same time.  What would the world be like without Suzan?  I would not want to find out. Thank you, Suzan!”

Vida Groman – Therapist and Transformational Coach – Wisconsin


"Suzan Pelfrey is a deeply gifted intuitive and healer; fully grounded in her commitment to expanding awareness and evolution. Suzan dives straight into the heart of energies and patterns that are blocking her clients and students, initiating release and drawing lighted potential into people and their lives.  She is one of the true healers and soul teachers on our planet." 

Christy Bernat – Healing Practitioner - Colorado

Suzan is the most connected, intuitive healer I know. She has access to ancient and modern wisdom, and the understanding of cutting edge advanced technology. The bridge between time and the timeless, the field and form. I would recommend Suzan’s integrative healing to anybody whom wishes to live a more connected and fulfilling life.

David Reid – Entrepreneur / Health Products / Australia


“I worked with Suzan over the phone long before I met her in person.  In either setting, her amazing insight, compassion and integrity shine bright and clear; it is immediately evident that she is a true healer.  In her hands, both counseling and energy healing are an art. Her wonderful skills are helping me move away from a fear-based life to a life of trust, aliveness and Spirit.  I have been so impressed with Suzan’s work that I have recommended her to many friends and family members, who have also found her incredibly helpful.”

Helen J. – Philanthropist – Wisconsin


Testimonials from Women’s Groups


“The class was amazing and getting to know the other women and their challenges and strengths was even more amazing! Suzan, with her guidance helped these women realize their potential and unleash their fears before my very eyes! You left each class with your soul filled up and the next class could not get here soon enough. Thank you, Suzan for your knowledge and truth.”

Barbara Morr/ Realtor-Business Owner / California

“It was a deep and powerful experience that doesn't stop when the evening is's as though I'm continuing to resonate at a lovely crescendo, and I honor this journey truly as a present, not only from being with a group of women who are giving themselves permission to go the depth, but also with the guidance of the brilliant, funny, amazing, insightful, deep and spirited Suzan Pelfrey.  Wow! Is about all I can say... and thank you. “

Carole Colone- Realtor, Musician - California


“What got me to Suzan's program was the feeling that I was living my life on crutches. I had a long, deep yearning to be free of them. When I heard about Suzan, I had an immediate, visceral reaction - I KNEW that she could help me help myself to get inspired, get real, get well, get free, whatever you want to call it. And she did. With her unerring and empathetic guidance, we all worked hard to get to the bottom of our respective stories.  No one wanted the meetings to end.”

Sandy Mastromonaco – California

“Thank you Suzan for sharing your wisdom, for your unwavering support, and of course your fabulous sense of humor that reminds us that life, with all of it's challenges, is also very funny!  I experienced and witnessed so many powerful and positive changes take place with each of us.  Feeling the unconditional love and support grow amongst our group with each meeting has given me a source of strength I will have with me always.  I am extremely grateful. “

Susie Eubanks   - Business Owner / California